Thursday, September 19, 2013

Mars One Mission and Pillownauts

For current events, we will be researching two astronomy topics in the news.  The first topic is the Mars One Mission where for a few dollars a seat can be purchased for the first human mission to the red planet.  The second topic is about a NASA research program studying microgravity affects where the test participants have to remain in bed.  You will be comparing and contrasting the benefits to these projects to the risks.


  1. Mission to Mars

    Would you want a one way ticket to mars? Even though it has an atmosphere, weather, and this is a
    once in a life time experience there are downsides to this trip. while there you would experience
    freezing tempertures, no oxygen, and terrible dust storms. Not only that but scientists even say that
    this can be very dangerous. I would not want to go on this mars mission.

    1. i;d hate to go up their and not be able to come back

  2. In my opinion, the Mars One MIssion is a very reckless way to explore the planet, as there are many risks, so I would not sign up. One of the risks is that there is a big risk of over exposure to radiation, which could cause cancer, another is that NASA won't be sending oxygen or water very often, and if that wasn't enough for you, the average temperature for Mars averages at -80 degrees Farenheit. Though there are some benefits, like seeing what the extreme conditions of Mars will effect humans, and if people could possibly colonize another planet. All in all, I personally believe that the negatives outway the positives for the Mars one Mission.

    1. I agree with you i don't want to go to the missont to mars because i don't want to be exposed to radioactive things.there really is no good side to this.

    2. i think you did good on your paragraph

  3. After reading the Mars One Mission I would most deffintaly not go up there. On Mars their is only a 0.13 percent of air. It is supposed to be cold on Mars. Some benifits are that they also get paied. They get paied about 4,500 dollars a month which would be about 14,000 in 70 days. Thats risk are that your air tank could break and most likely die because theirs only 0.13 percent of air. Another one is that you have to lay in bed all day and night surrouned by scientist all day would be really weird.

    1. Why would they need money if they're on Mars for the rest of their life?

  4. I think that being a pillownaut is cool but there is a lot of risks and a few benefits of doing so. One risk is that you can get bone loss. Bone loss occurs 1 to 1.5 percent a month. Who would want to lose bones just to sit in bed besides science. Also you will start to lose your muscle tone which means that you lose muscle as you go on. Benefits of being a pillownaut is you would get paid so much money for laying in bed. You would get 200 dollars a day. You would also have to lay there for 70 days so multiply that and see how much money you would get. 200 x 70 = 14,000 dollars. Thats a lot of money.

    1. so would you be a pillownaut

    2. I think you point is good ,but I would not want to go up into space and get exposed to all the thing like bone and muscul loss.

  5. Yesterday, we learned about what happens when you stay in bed for seventy days straight without moving any bones. The name of this is called a pillownaught . Their are pros and cons with being a pillownaught . The pro is that the people that are testing this will pay you $200 a day for seventy days. The con is that micro gracity can effect you in many ways. Microgravity can cause people to have an increase in age (you would die sooner), decrese in bone density, and decrese in strength. If you ask me, being a pillownaught is a good way to get money but it's not worth it.

    1. i think it would be cool but only if you can come back

    2. How would you like to stay in bed for 70 days?

    3. if you had to stay for 80 days and got payed 500 dollars would you

  6. Yesterday I wanted to learn more about Pillownauts. They said that counter measures is minimized the changes that occur to earth to the body during your space flight. For the microgravity information you would have muscle loss,and risk of fatigue and ingury.When you come back you blood pressure drops, you would have trouble standing, stablizing gaze, walking and turning. Also you would have loss of blood, immune deficency, and transiet pulse flight amnia. For the affects of microgravity is you lose 3/4 of a inch during the day and you get it back during the night. A concern for N.A.S.A. is the deterioration of bone conditions of astronauts exposed to microgravity. I would not want to be a Pillownaut because you would age quickly and your muscles would become weak.

  7. when you become a pillownaut you will be told to go to the johnson space center. you must be 25 or older to be a pillownaut and you must not be older than 50. you will be laying down for 70 days and your muscles will get weaker and weaker so it will feel like your aging. Also they will barely any supplies with you.

    1. if you had alot of supplies with you then would you be a pillownaught

    2. If you were a pillownaut would you regret your choice? Or would you rather be proud of your decision for science spenter?

    3. What are the benefits of being a pillownaut?

  8. Pillownauts this is a scinece prodject that people are experminting.this job has some benifits.The benifits are that you can get paid,and we get to help science. The risk of doing this job is that you can have massof bone loss and muscle loss when you have this bone and muscul loss you can age older when you do.Also when you do this you canbe expoised to micogravity when you go up into space.Microgravity can harm your bodyin many diffrent ways.But to this there is a good side to this is when your in space for awile you can be less exposied to the microgravity it dose'nt harm your body as much.This would be a bad idea to me I dont want to up into space becuse I would miss my family and I dont want to be exposied to all these bad thing that can really hurt my body.I dont all the bad bone loss and muscul loss. thats why I dont want to go up or to the pillownaut expermrent.

  9. If I were approved to be a pillownaut, I would not be happy! There are several reasons why. The first reason is that I would want to see my family. I don't want to be away from them forever. The second reasaon is that I couldn't breathe as easily as I can on Earth. The final reason is that I would not be happy becuase terrible things could or would happen. Therefore, I do not want to be a pillownaut.

    Earth and Mars are two total different things.On Earth, you can breathe but on Mars, you can't. if you were to go to Mars, it has a thinner atmosphere and is colder than Earth. The carbon dixode is at 95.32% It is like a cold desert on Mars while Earth is has deserts on it but isnt all desert. I would rather live on Earth than Mars.

    1. Did you mean you don't want to go on the Mars One Mission? Also, what "terrible things" would happen? Either way, I agree with you. I wouldn't want to be a pillownaut or an astronaut on the Mars One Mission because it is an extremely dangerous mission.

    2. if you had to be one or the other which one would you be. Pillownaught or Mission to Mars

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Are you talking about visiting mars or the pillownauts?

    5. I would want to be a pillownaut.

  10. I think that being a pillownaut is pratically meaning you don't care much about yourself. I mean because on the mission to mars you don't come back, and that one thing where you lay in bed for 70 days sounds horrifying. If you didn't care and you wanted to check out you could do the mission to mars, or is you wanna be crippled you could lay in bed for 70 days. Sure laying in bed for 70 days sounds nice, but the results make you regret your choice. So the good thing is that you could check if you wanted to leave, but the bad thing about pillownauts is that you become crippled for who knows how long?

    1. so whitch one would you be pillownaut or go on the mission to mars

  11. I would not want to do Mission one Mars.I like were i am and being millions of miles away from my family and friends for ever.It doesnt even sound fun.Maybe for some person who has no life can go but not me.We dont evan know if there is alienings on mars,if there is they could kill us I like my life.I like to breathe it is very thin air and there is very little oxegen.I hate coldness so why would I go to mars when its colder than earth.Even if I wanted to go to mars I would have to wait tell im 18.
    -Brooke Brinkoetter


  12. I woundn't want to go on the Mars One Mission trip. You wouldn't come back. There would be little water and little food. You would have to take alot of food up there. There will be little oxygen and alot of carbon dioxcide. It is alot colder than Earth also. The Mission will leave in 2023. I dont want to go. You would not come back.

    1. what are the good thing about going to mars?

  13. If I were to become a Pillownaut, the benefit of being one would be is that you would get payed 200 a day for laying in bed and doing nothing but they watch as you experience micrgravity. Pro's of this this experiment is that you would not see anyone for awhile (70 days). Con's are that you can't do an everyday life like regular people. Plus theres another serious con you can lose bones, and muscles.
    All these pro's and con's are serious to your life if you want to experince microgravity then you can do microgravity and help the study of microgravity.

    1. who would go up their not to get paied

    2. So you are saying not seeing anybody for 70 days is a good thing?

    3. I agree, being a pillownaut would be an extremely dangerous thing to do, but they also make a lot of money.

  14. Well yesterday I wanted to be a pillownaut but after doing some research i changed my mind. One of the few benifits are you that you get 200 dollars witch equals 14000 dollars but thats the only good thing. Some of the risks are you would have bone loss, fatigue, inguries, low blood pressure, and many more. So after I read all this I decided not to become a pillownaut because of all the side affects and you would age to quickly.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. would you be a pillownaight if it was for more money

    3. what would you do when you were up there i would be confused on what to do

  15. mission one mars
    I would not want to be invalved to the mission one mars because they dont let you come back you have to stay there and die. the give you food, and limited air and water sent by capsules. Mars has a very thin atmosphere and thin air mainly carbon dioxide. Mars is much cooler than earth and is capped by ice made from carbon dioxide not water.The misssion is also 6 billion dollars and you must be 18 and older. so you would just die up there and they cant tak you back to earth.
    -Averee Brattin

    1. I dont like the fact that it cost so much when we can spend it on something else.

    2. I would not pay that much to go into space and never come back!

  16. Mission to Mars

    I woundn't want to go on the Mars One Mission trip. You wouldn't come back. There would be little water and little food. You would have to take alot of food up there. There will be little oxygen and alot of carbon dioxcide. It is alot colder than Earth also. The Mission will leave in 2023. I dont want to go. You would not come back.

    1. what are the benefits of being able to go to the mars mission?

    2. I thought this was a bad blog because it didn't tell you the benefits just the cons. Allie should have put some benefits.

  17. The benifits of being a pillownaut are that you get lots of money and you can also drink and eat whatever you want.The worst part of the pillownaut experiment is that you have to stay in bed for a long period of time and you lose bone mass,muscle,and tissue.

    1. Would you or would you not be a pillownaut?

    2. is there anything else i need to worry about

    3. if you had to be a pillownaut would you want to or not? and why

  18. Mission to Mars!

    Mars' Climate is colder than Earth because it is farther away from the sun. 95%of mars is made of carbondioxide,2.75 is nitrogen, and 1.6% is aragon. 0.13% is oxygen, 0.08% would be carbonmanoxide,and its atmosphere is 100 time thinnere than earths atmosphere.

    Mars One Mission Peopple are going to mars and never coming back to earth. They are going to see if its possible for a person to live on marrs. They will leave in 2023, this will be the farthest a human has ever travled.

    Would I Do This I would not do this because it would be scarry. It would be scarry because you would have to leave your friends aand I dont think I would be able to do this. Iwould not go to mars!!!!!!

    By Sally Riffle!

    1. if you had the chance to be remembered in history would you go?

    2. I thought this blog was a really great blog becouse she put a lot of information in to the blog. She did put pros and cons in to the blog witch made it a really great blog.

    3. You did very good on your paragraphs

  19. do you not like the fact that you cant come back?

  20. If I had a chance to be i n history for this I still would not do it I think my family is more important than going to mars

  21. ​I would not be a pillownaut, yes you make $15000 but if I had a good job I could get that much money in less time. And all you do is sit suspended in the air for 70 days and lose mussle. the only reason this is here is decrease losing musscle in space. I would not do it.
