Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Welcome to 7th Grade Science

Welcome to middle school!  I am excited to be your science teacher.  7th grade is an exciting and challenging transition for students and I have high expectations for all of my science students. 

This year, we will have a class set of iPads for the classroom.  This means that we can create awesome presentations about what we are learning in science to share with the world.  One way we will share our creations is through this blog. 

My science classroom includes a lot of hands-on investigations and exploration labs.  Students will be using a variety of science equipment, including spring scales, pulleys, ring stands, wires, light bulbs, electricity switches, bells, graduated cylinders, beakers, and thermometers.  Each year, I add more hands-on investigations and incorporate new things into my class and many times the lab idea comes from the students. 

This year's additional to labs will no doubt include the use of iPads.  I cannot wait to see what interesting and creative projects we will be adding to the blog and the science classroom.   

I am looking forward to an exciting and educational year.  If you need to contact me, please e-mail me at or call the school office and ask for extension 4109. 


  1. mission one mars
    I would not want to be invalved to the mission one mars because they dont let you come back you have to stay there and die. the give you food, and limited air and water sent by capsules. Mars has a very thin atmosphere and thin air mainly carbon dioxide. Mars is much cooler than earth and is capped by ice made from carbon dioxide not water.The misssion is also 6 billion dollars and you must be 18 and older. so you would just die up there and they cant tak you back to earth.
    -Averee Brattin

    1. How come you don't like the idea of not coming back?

    2. Is it six billion $ to pay to go or do u get that much money for going to mars??

    3. Why wouldn't you want to experince the chance of a life time??

  2. I would not want to do Mission one Mars.I like were i am and being millions of miles away from my family and friends for ever.It doesnt even sound fun.Maybe for some person who has no life can go but not me.We dont evan know if there is alienings on mars,if there is they could kill us I like my life.I like to breathe it is very thin air and there is very little oxegen.I hate coldness so why would I go to mars when its colder than earth.Even if I wanted to go to mars I would have to wait tell im 18.
    -Brooke Brinkoetter

  3. If I was picked to be a pillownaut i would not be happy. the reason is that life at earth is wonderful and i cant live without it. MArs is way different then eath and it would be hard to get use to the way it is. im only in 7th grade i need to explore the world before i even think about going to Mars.

    if i were able to go to mars i wouldn't even be able to see my kids and wife or other families. I couldnt go to college or other activites. i would not be able to do sports or even breathe right.

  4. How is life wonderful on Earth?
